[Our meeting] was magic for me. I have been buzzing since.Anyway, thank you for the gift of your vision of what you see over here. I’m left totally having been ‘gotten’ as a shooter and as a businessman. I cannot wait to build this brand with you.

Karen made it easy on us all to get to where we needed to be by clearing the path and paving the road. Staff and leadership were engaged throughout the process furthering our board-staff team development. Challenges we had not identified and strategies we had not thought of
materialized. Board members wholeheartedly embraced the process and at the end of the “day” convened with a united consensus and
direction and plan for action.

Karen Mess Frashier, a member of the Rotary Club of New Tampa, is our Rotary District 6890 Rotarian of the Year. Karen volunteered as our district public image chair. She was relentless in her pursuit of publicity for our 46 Rotary clubs and for our sistrict this year, and was incredibly effective. She was instrumental in the planning and production of The World’s Largest Traveling Children’s Book.